Description of Transaction Events
Term: otgevents:duration
Equivalent property: schema:duration
Data type: Duration or Text
Description: The length of the lease, rental, or term of enslavement before manumission in sales contract.
Input: Single
Term: otgevents:currency
Equivalent property: schema:currency
Data type: Text
Description: The currency in which the monetary amount is expressed.
Usage: Input will vary based on time and place. Use a general base term to indicate the currency (dollars, pounds, etc.), even if smaller units of that currency are being used. If a local currency is being used, indicate the location with an annotation or in the Description field (Maryland pounds, British pounds, etc.).
Input: Multiple
Term: otgevents:price
Equivalent property: schema:price
Data type: Integer or Text
Description: The numeric representation of the price or evaluation for a transaction.
Usage: This property offers a way to capture the monetary elements of a transaction. For transactions that also include bartered items, list those elements with Price Component. In the case of pounds, separate the units with periods (e.g. £ 31.05.02).
Input: Multiple
Price Component
Term: otgevents:priceComponent
Equivalent property: schema:priceComponent
Data type: Text
Description: Indication of combined elements in a commercial transaction.
Usage: If a transaction lists multiple forms of payment or exchange, rather than a total price, list those elements here, (i.e. livestock, trade goods, agricultural products, exchanges of enslaved people).
Input: Multiple
Good or Service
Term: otgevents:typeOfGood
Equivalent property: schema:typeOfGood
Data type: Text
Description: Materials involved in a commercial transaction
Input: Multiple
Task Performed
Term: otgevents:taskPerformed
Equivalent property:
Data type: Text
Description: The type of work performed.
Input: Multiple
Contract Terms
Term: otgevents:contractTerms
Equivalent property:
Data type: Text
Description: The terms of a sale, legal, or employment contract.
Input: Multiple
Exchanged For
Term: otgevents:exchangedFor
Equivalent property:
Data type: Text
Description: The goods or services exchanged in transaction. Might be used in lieu of monetary payment.
Input: Multiple
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