Description of Other Participants
Term: otgevents:author
Equivalent property: schema:author
Data type: Omeka S Item or Text or URI
Description: The person who created the record of the event.
Usage: Omeka S Item or URI are preferred data types.
Input: Multiple
Additional Participant
Term: otgevents:participant
Equivalent property: bio:participant
Data type: Omeka S Item or Text or URI
Description: A participant in the event other than the principal participant.
Usage: Prefer a property designating a more specific role (e.g., Witness, Buyer) when applicable. Omeka S Item or URI are preferred data types.
Input: Multiple
Term: otgevents:witness
Equivalent property:bio:witness
Data type: Omeka S Item or Text or URI
Description: A person that witnesses and can bear testimony to the occurrence of an event.
Usage: Might be another enslaved person. Omeka S Item or URI are preferred data types.
Input: Multiple
Term: otgevents:officiator
Equivalent property: bio:officiator
Data type: Omeka S Item or Text or URI
Description: A person that officiates at an event.
Usage: Omeka S Item or URI are preferred data types.
Input: Multiple
Term: otgevents:buyer
Equivalent property: schema:buyer
Data type: Omeka S Item or Text or URI
Description: The purchaser in a transaction.
Usage: Might be another enslaved person or an organization. Omeka S Item or URI are preferred data types.
Input: Multiple
Term: otgevents:seller
Equivalent property: schema:seller
Data type: Omeka S Item or Text or URI
Description: The seller in a transaction.
Usage: May be the same as Enslaver. Omeka S Item or URI are preferred data types.
Input: Multiple
Term: otgevents:hirer
Equivalent property:
Data type: Omeka S Item or Text or URI
Description: The person or organization hiring enslaved labor. [Formerly otgevents:leaser]
Usage: Omeka S Item or URI are preferred data types.
Input: Multiple
Term: otgevents:parent
Equivalent Property: bio:parent
Data Type: Omeka S Item
Description: A person who is the biological or social parent of the primary participant.
Usage: This person should be present at the event being described. For relationships not directly tied to the event, use the Child Of property in the Person Record.
Input: Multiple
Term: otgevents:child
Equivalent Property: bio:child
Data Type: Omeka S Item
Description: A person who is the biological or social child of the primary participant.
Usage: This person should be present at the event being described. For relationships not directly tied to the event, use the Parent Of property in the Person Record.
Input: Multiple
Term: otgevents:grandparent
Equivalent property:
Data Type: Omeka S Item
Description: A person who is the parent of the primary participant’s parent.
Usage: This person should be present at the event being described. For relationships not directly tied to the event, use the Grandparent Of property in the Person Record.
Input: Multiple
Term: otgevents:sibling
Equivalent Property: schema:sibling
Data Type: Omeka S Item
Description: A person who shares one or more parents with the primary participant, or who has been adopted into a family.
Usage: This person should be present at the event being described. For relationships not directly tied to the event, use the Sibling Of property in the Person Record.
Input: Multiple
Term: otgevents:partner
Equivalent Property: bio:partner
Data Type: Omeka S Item
Description: The primary participant’s long-term intimate partner, joined in an officially recognized marriage or in an informal bond.
Usage: This person should be present at the event being described. For relationships not directly tied to the event, use the Spouse Of property in the Person Record.
Input: Multiple
Term: otgevents:perpetrator
Equivalent property:
Data type: Omeka S Item or Text or URI
Description: The person enacting violence.
Usage: Omeka S Item or URI are preferred data types.
Input: Multiple
Permission From
Term: otgevents:permissionFrom
Equivalent property:
Data type: Omeka S Item or Text or URI
Description: The person granting permission for the subject to act.
Usage: Omeka S Item or URI are preferred data types.
Input: Multiple
Term: otgevents:petitionerAgainst
Equivalent property:
Data type: Omeka S Item or URI or Text
Description: The petitioner against in a legal case.
Input: Multiple
Term: otgevents:defendantAgainst
Equivalent property:
Data type: Omeka S Item or URI or Text
Description: The defendant against in a legal case.
Input: Multiple
Attorney For
Term: otgevents:attorneyFor
Equivalent property:
Data type: Omeka S Item or URI or Text
Description: The attorney for the subject in a legal case.
Input: Multiple
Attorney Against
Term: otgevents:attorneyAgainst
Equivalent property:
Data type: Omeka S Item or URI or Text
Description: The attorney opposing the subject in a legal case.
Input: Multiple
Term: otgevents:judge
Equivalent property:
Data type: Omeka S Item or URI or Text
Description: The judge in a legal case.
Input: Multiple
Term: otgevents:organization
Equivalent property:
Data type: Omeka S Item or Text or URI
Description: An organization related to the resource.
Usage: Omeka S Item or URI are preferred data types.
Input: Multiple
Last updated