Description of the Event
Title (required)
Term: otgevents:title
Equivalent property: dcterms:title
Data type: Text
Description: A name given to the record.
Usage: A descriptive title for the event. Usually includes the date, the participant, and event type
Input: Single
Term: otgevents:description
Equivalent property: dcterms:description
Data type: Text
Description: Narrative description and/or transcription of the entity.
Input: Multiple
Term: otgevents:identifier
Equivalent Property: dcterms:identifier
Data Type: Text
Description: An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context.
Usage: Developed internally by institutions to ease searching and location of places.
Input: Multiple
Event Type (required)
Term: otgevents:type
Equivalent property: dcterms:type
Data type: Custom Vocabulary: Event Types
Description: The kind of event being described.
Usage: Select from a controlled vocabulary of event types.
Input: Single
Term: otgevents:keywords
Equivalent property: schema:keywords
Data type: Text
Description: Keywords to further specify the entity being described.
Usages: Use one input for each word, rather than a comma-separated string.
Input: Multiple
Action Status (required)
Term: otgevents:actionStatus
Equivalent property: schema:actionStatus
Data type: Custom Vocabulary: Action Status
Description: An indicator of the completion status of an event.
Usage: Select from a controlled vocabulary indicating the status of the event.
Input: Single
Date (required)
Term: otgevents:date
Equivalent property: dcterms:date
Data type: Timestamp or Interval
Description: Date of event being described.
Usage: If the date of the event is not explicitly indicated by the document, supply an estimated date or date range based on context. Use in conjunction with Date Certainty to provide more information about the certainty of the supplied date.
Input: Single
Date Certainty
Term: otgevents:dataCertainty
Equivalent property:
Data Custom Vocabulary: Certainty
Description: An indicator of the confidence or certainty of the date.
Usage: Select from a controlled vocabulary to indicate the certainty of the date of the event.
Input: Single
Term: otgevents:location
Equivalent property: schema:location
Data type: Omeka S Item or URI or Text
Description: The location of the event being described.
Usage: Can be general. Omeka S Item or URI are preferred data types.
Input: Multiple
Preceding Event
Term: otgevents:precedingEvent
Equivalent Property: bio:precedingEvent
Data type: Text or Omeka S Item
Description: A significant event that preceded the one being described.
Usage: May be a narrative explanation or a link to another event.
Input: Multiple
Following Event
Term: otgevents:followingEvent
Equivalent property: bio:followingEvent
Data type: Text or Omeka S Item
Description: A significant event that occurred after the one being described.
Usage: May be a narrative explanation or a link to another event.
Input: Multiple
Source (required)
Term: otgevents:source
Equivalent property: dcterms:source
Data type: Omeka S Item or URI or Text
Description: The archival document from which the record information is drawn.
Usage: Link to the digitized document or the finding aid if available. If not, input a bibliography citation.
Input: Multiple
Related Event
Term: otgevents:relatedEvent
Equivalent property: dcterms:relation
Data type: Omeka S Item or URI
Description: An event that is related to the one being described.
Input: Multiple
Term :otgevents:relation
Equivalent property: dcterms:relation
Data type: Omeka S Item or URI
Description: A related resource
Input: Multiple
Last updated